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Updating the RFA Website

I’m in the process of updating, changing and rearranging the Real Fun Art website. First order of business is getting the portfolio sections done. As you can see, the top of the home page will feature portfolio links. Each portfolio page will have details about...

Changes Underway

Lots of changes underway with the Real Fun Art website – new design, content, and more. Jamzu has been on the back burner for quite a while, but this is also changing. A new version of Jamzu is underway – Jamzu 2. This will be, in many ways, a big upgrade...

Jamzu back in the App Store

After further testing, it looks like the current version of Jamzu is fine on iOS6, so I have re-enabled it for the App Store. If any Jamzu players see any issues with Jamzu on iOS6, just let me know.