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Cool things in the Jamzu UI:

– To change the skins, simply tap the arrow in the lower right at any time during a game.

– Use the Hint button in the upper left. Hint has been improved and fixed in Jamzu 1.30, and is now much more powerful. It is now possible to play an entire game in Expert, just using Hint, and win (but not every time). Using Hint, and studying the suggested moves, is a great way to learn Jamzu.

– The Squares/Blocks indicator gives you a quick overview of the game. This indicator looks like: 47/9. The first number is the remaining squares to go for each player’s runners, and the second number is the total jammer blocks in front of each player’s runners. This indicator gives you a quick view of how far ahead or behind you are in the game.

– Speed can be changed in Settings. This controls how fast each move is made. You can set it for fast moves and fading streaks, or slower moves with solid streaks. Using the Slow setting is a great way to learn how jammers move.

– The player names can be changed in Settings.

– The Score indicator, which looks like: 2-1 (3), shows both current match score and total match points being played. Match points can be changed in Settings.
